Peril of Flood
Florida's Coastal Resiliency Portal
Statewide Resiliency Projects | Regional Planning Council Resiliency Efforts
East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Resilient Brevard
Description: The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council is supporting Brevard County to address Peril of Flood requirements and support planning to reduce or eliminate exposure to a wide range of natural hazards within Brevard County.
City of Oak Hill
Description: The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council addresses environmental perils like flooding and sea level rise now and in the future.
FDEP Regional Resiliency Action Plan
This East Central Florida Regional Resiliency Action Plan addresses how county and city officials in East Central Florida will work together to create more resilient communities.
Indian River Lagoon Outfall Analysis
Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Analysis
Description: The Indian River Lagoon Outfall Analysis utilizes GIS to depict the vulnerability of storm-water outfalls along Florida's Indian River Lagoon and central Atlantic coast to the effects of sea level rise.
Melbourne Beach Green Infrastructure Adaptation Plan
Description: This project (completed in 2020) guides the City of Melbourne Beach on the use of green infrastructure.
Resilient Cape Canaveral
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient Cocoa
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient Melbourne Beach
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient New Smyrna Beach
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient Rockledge
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient Titusville
Description: This project (completed in 2019) includes a vulnerability assessment and resiliency recommendations for the City.
Resilient Volusia County
Description: This project page includes a variety of resilience planning and policy efforts undertaken by Volusia County and partner agencies and institutions.
Click Here to Access the Resilient Volusia Glossary of Terms
Click Here to Access the Resilient Volusia Glossary of Terms (Spanish)
River to Sea TPO Sea Level Rise Analysis
Description: This analysis describes vulnerability to Volusia and Flagler County transportation facilities to the effects of sea level rise. Infrastructure such as evacuation routes and airport are analyzed.
Satellite Beach Resiliency
Projects to Improve Resiliency in Satellite Beach
Click Here to View the Satellite Beach Resiliency Page
Description: The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council developed a sea level rise vulnerability analysis for the City of Satellite Beach, which led to policy recommendations for Adaption Action Areas and other efforts that continue. Click on the link above the view the plans and resources developed as part of this project.
Space Coast TPO Sea Level Rise Analysis
Description: This analysis describes vulnerability to Brevard County transportation facilities to the effects of sea level rise. Critical infrastructure such as evacuation routes and airports are analyzed.
Volusia County Floodplain Management Plan
Description: Required by Florida law, this study provides an overall snapshot of flooding hazards throughout Volusia County. A unified city/county approach to mitigation and planning efforts is addressed.
South Florida Regional Planning Council
Monroe County CHHA/CRS Story Map
Description: This document studies Monroe County, focusing on the Florida Keys, with an in-depth analysis on Islamorada. The study provides the inundation scenarios for years 2040 and 2060.
Impacts of Sea Level Rise in South Florida
Description: This collections of graphics and data depicts the potential impacts of sea level rise to various communities in South Florida. Policy implication and next steps are addressed.
Southeast Florida Regional Compact
Regional Climate Action Plan
Description: This plan and the documents online are a plan for action to make south Florida more resilient to natural hazards including flooding and sea level rise.
Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council
Hillsborough MPO Transportation Vulnerability Assessment Pilot Project
Description: One of 19 pilots across the United States conducted under the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) second-round climate change vulnerability assessment program.
Peril of Flood Workshops
Description: These workshops were held that outlined current state statutes dealing with resiliency and sea level rise. Workshop attendees also learned about online sea level rise mapping tools.
Tampa Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Analysis
Description: This document describes the level of vulnerability for Tampa Bay Region. This document uses a combination of GIS data and information from NOAA to conduct an analysis.
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
Treasure Coast Vulnerability Analysis for Post-Disaster Redevelopment
Description: A review of vulnerabilities to sea level rise in the treasure coast region of southeast Florida.
Sea Level Rise in the Treasure Coast Region
Description: A document looking into protection scenarios, policy solutions and other topics related to sea level rise exposure.